This four 4-hour session (16 hours) virtual workshop is designed to develop an understanding of contract law as it relates to construction. Learn to build practical skills and to effectively and proactively deal with conflict situations and avoid litigation. The course will also review other construction related law such as builders liens, collecting debts. bonding, insurance, environmental law, and safety law.
Course Content:
- Understand the Canadian legal system.
- Understand the basics of contract law.
- Be familiar with various contracts and legal terms used.
- Understand the contract responsibilities of various parties.
- Understand the bidding process and contractual obligations.
- Understand how specifications and drawings fit within the contractual hierarchy.
- Understand the relationship between the contractor and subcontractor.
- Compile and submit proper extras and claims.
- Define back charges and how to avoid them.
- Avoid construction disputes and claims.
- Write RFIs and change orders.
- Understand the dispute resolution process.
- Obtain security for debts.
- Understand the "holdback system".
- Use the "Small Claims" process to recover debts.
- Understand bonding/surety.
- Understand the types of insurance used in construction.
- Understand environmental law.
- Understand safety law requirements and WCB.
To receive 5 Gold Seal credits, you must complete the online portion after the 4 virtual classroom sessions.
Sharing a single registration between two or more individuals is not permitted. Please register each person that will be in attendance.
Course Dates:
- October 3, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
- October 4, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
- October 5, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
- October 6, 2023 - 8:30am to 12:30pm
Next Scheduled Date: November 21-24, 2023
Please note the following:
- You will receive an email with easy to follow instructions on how to join the virtual classroom 48 hours prior to the course date.
- Your course manual and handouts will also be emailed to you in a PDF format. It is recommended that you print the handouts as these will be the exercises to be completed in class. You may also want to print the manual to follow along if you do not have a second screen.
- All students are encouraged to use the chat function to ask questions, as well as speaker and microphone during open session discussions.
Course Credits:
- 2 - CCA Gold Seal Credits (Zoom sessions only)
- 5 - CCA Gold Seal Credits (Zoom sessions plus online exam)
- 16 - BC Housing CPD Points