Proportional Representation Referendum
You will be receiving you referendum package from Elections BC, if you haven't already. On November 30, 2018, the province will be counting ballots in order to decide the voting system BC will use for future elections. Through our research, SICA has concluded that the current "First Past the Post" system provides for more stability.
A few items we are concerned about with the other voting options:
- There is potential to take representation away from the Southern Interior region of our province.
- Two of the voting systems presented are not being used in any other political system.
- There is a lack of information on how the algorithm for choosing MLA's will be carried out under Dual Member Proportional, Mixed Member Proportional and Rural-Urban Proportional voting systems.
- Having an open-ended question regarding an electoral system, like the questions asked in the current referendum, leaves the details up to political partisans.
First Past the Post is the simplest option presented in this referendum.
We invite you to do your own research and make an informed choice for this referendum. Here are some places you can start:
- Elections BC - Voting Systems
- Vote No to Pro Rep
- Fair Vote BC
- Fraser Institue - Consequences of Electoral Reform in British Columbia
- BCCA's One Sheet on Proportional Representation
The deadline for returning your voting package has been extended to 4:30 pm on December 7th, 2018. More information on the Elections BC website.
Image Source: Fraser Institute

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