Community Benefits Agreement - BC
On July 16, BC’s NDP government revealed details of a highly controversial Community Benefits Agreement (CBA), mandating that all construction workers on government projects join a union regardless of their employer’s labour affiliation.
SICA, BCCA and the Regional Construction Associations across the province do not support this new CBA, which was developed without adequate industry consultation. Promoting fair, open, and transparent procurement practices is a SICA mandate and we denounce any subjective or preferential eligibility requirements.
Current Status
Ongoing - SICA continues to work with the British Columbia Construction Association and our partner regional construction associations to promote fair, open and transparent procurement processes.
- BCCA and the 4 regional construction associations promoted a letter-writing campaign to BC MLA's.
- Share your voice from an employer or employee perspective
- Read responses from BC MLA's
- On September 17th, 2018 SICA Members met with the British Columbia Construction Association to share their feedback on the potential impacts of the BC CBA to the construction industry.
- BCCA is using the feedback from Town Hall's held across the province for their recommendations
- BCCA's Executive Summary of the BC CBA
- Town Hall presentation, summary, and in-room polling results
- Article: Pattullo Procurement Strategy Takes BC Construction a Bridge Too Far
- Article: BCCA's Response to the Province's Community Benefits Agreement Announcement
- BCCA and Regional Construction Association's open letter on the Community Benefits Agreement

WorkSafeBC News Release

BC Labour Code - Industry Priority

BCCA Statement on Bill 10

Work Safe BC Public Hearing June 2022
Latest Construction Industry Statistics Reveal Strength Despite Pandemic Challenges
BCCA Response to BC Budget 2021
CCA Responds to 2021 Federal Budget

2021: MLA Directory
Send a letter via Build For Recovery campaign
Compulsory Trades Training - Request for Consultation

Prompt payment legislation in the construction industry

Call to Action RE: Hard Hats
CCA Hill Day 2020
Support for Temporary Sick Pay Coverage
Construction Sector United in Fight Against COVID-19
Builders Lien Act Review

Proportional Representation Referendum

Community Benefits Agreement - BC

Prompt Payment

Connecting the Construction Industry

Work Safe BC Public Hearing June 2022
Membership Benefits
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