Call to Action RE: Hard Hats
Posted from the Council of Construction Association's website.
WorkSafeBC has rescheduled the public hearing on proposed amendments to Parts 6, 8, 16, 18, and 21 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation to December 10, 2020. In light of the ongoing and rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, and in an effort to maximize physical distancing, the public hearing will be held virtually.
Please share with your members.
It is critical that Construction be heard at the public hearings on the proposed changes to Part 8 – Safety headgear.
See our previous post –> Making Hard Hats Optional is a Giant Step Back in Safety (link fixed).
We previously shared the following two videos that clearly show the significant dangers that are present on a construction site and that “safety” and “religious freedom” can coexist effectively.
The first video was made at a recent Ledcor worksite in Surrey and includes interviews from the Sikh workforce (9:24) – https://youtu.be/7JYprXz5tg8
The second video demonstrates the value of a hard hat through a creative field experiment (4:42) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wQKUDX7D94&t=5s
Call to Action!
You can show your support for works and the construction industry by voicing opposition to the proposed changes.
Submit feedback online or by email
Written submissions can be made online until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 14, 2020, via the WorkSafeBC website, worksafebc.com, or by email to ohsregfeedback@worksafebc.com.
Let WorkSafeBC know how the proposed regulatory changes would make your workplace less safe. You can compose your own message, or modify this template.
Attend the Virtual Public Hearings!
The virtual public hearing will be streamed live in two sessions. The first will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the second will be from 3 to 5 p.m.
Register to speak at the hearing by phone
To register, call 604.232.7744 or toll free in B.C. at 1.866.614.7744. One presentation from an organization or individual will be permitted.
If you aren’t able to register, please watch the hearing as there will be an opportunity for you to call in at the end of the list of pre‑registered speakers.
Submit a pre-recorded video
The deadline for submitting pre-recorded videos has passed. COCA has re-submitted the 5 minute version of the Ledcor site visit video.
For further instructions, call 604.232.7744 or toll free in B.C. at 1.866.614.7744
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